
Hi, my name is Yorick. I am the founder of "YV Leathercraft". My business is located in the Netherlands and I craft from my small studio at home.

I started leathercrafting somewhere around 2019. I suddenly had a lot of free time due to the COVID-pandemic and wanted to try something new. When I found some leathercrafting videos on YouTube I decided to give it a try myself. I discovered my passion for handmade leather goods and a few years later I deciced to take the next step. In 2022 "YV Leathercraft" was brought to life.
"YVL" is a one man buisiness, so all steps in the crafting, shipping and administration process are done by myself.

I want my business to stand for quality, sustainability and craftsmanship. That's why I only use the best materials and make everything 100% by hand. My products are built to last.

Thanks for your interest in "YV Leathercraft" and hopefully I will be crafting your orders soon!

Greetings from Holland!